Development of tax and accounting policies, job descriptions and accounting procedures. - ОсОО Бухгалтерия Аудит Инновации

Development of tax and accounting policies, job descriptions and accounting procedures.

The BAI assists in the formation of accounting policy following the legislation on accounting based on the specifics of the business environment, industry, and other features of the organization’s activity, which allows it to receive timely information for planning, analysis, evaluating the financial situation and results of the organization’s activities.

Help in the formation of tax policy enables the organization to avoid tense situations with fiscal authorities.

Assistance in the formation of the correctness of the internal legal documents of the company makes it possible to avoid misunderstanding of interested parties, including grantors and investors.


Experience in developing tax and accounting policies, job descriptions and accounting procedures.

LLC Kyrgyz-Russian enterprise “Rola” Production, processing and trade of meat, dairy and other agricultural products Development of a unified Accounting Policy and Consolidation Procedures. Development of a unified workflow for accounting. Organization of the efficiency of accounting procedures for primary documents. Translation to a standard solution: 1-C. Automation of primary documents.
SE “Kyrgyzkomur” Extraction and provision of the domestic market with domestic coal Accounting Policy Development 2019
PA “ALM” Free generation “ Social activity Development of numerous policies, regulations, guidelines and code of the Association.